There are many reasons to despise abortion. Abortion is not health care. It is anti-health care. Abortion is not feminist. It is anti-feminist. Many people would call me a traitor to my gender for advocating a pro-life position. Many people would say that my ideals do not allow for equality between genders. They would say that I am against women’s rights. However, I firmly believe that abortion has nothing to do with equality. I believe that women’s rights are infringed upon by this nefarious practice. I believe that abortion is nothing more than a tool of evil, cloaked in the lie told by Larry Lader that “10,000 women a year die” in childbirth.
The first thing about abortion is that what we pro-lifers refer to as abortion is induced abortion. The American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and other people/societies that support abortion often do studies that place induced abortion with what is referred to asspontaneous abortion, also known as a miscarriage. However, the two are completely different, but no abortion advocate will ever admit to that. It is important that you know the difference between these two terms. Those of us who are against abortion know the difference. The reason so many studies show conflicting reports is that abortion advocates refuse to acknowledge that induced abortion is different from a miscarriage. For the purpose of this article, hereafter, induced abortion will be referred to as abortion, and, if I refer to spontaneous abortion, I will refer to it as miscarriage.
Abortion is pure and simple murder. Human life begins at conception, when the male's sperm meets the female's egg, and it forms a human – did you get that – human zygote with unique DNA that never existed before and will never be repeated. You can also note that it is a living human being because of the fact that the baby moves and reacts to stimuli. When an abortion occurs, the baby fights for its life. Don't believe me? Watch a video of an abortion sometime. Just because memories do not stick at that point does not mean that the baby is not conscious. It just means that the part of the brain that stores memory is not fully formed. Or do you not think that those with anterograde amnesia are human either? For the argument of whether the baby interferes with the life of the mother, read on. Abortion does much worse than the baby ever will.
One thing that abortion centers refuse to tell women is that when they become pregnant, they develop a bond with the child. After all, disclosing that fact would be bad for business. Because of that bond, abortion causes many psychological problems. The first and most severe is called Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. It is the same thing as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder for the victims of abortion. The women who have it wake up with nightmares. They hear their would-be children crying. They develop severe depression. They often want to kill themselves for it. Other psychological problems that abortion victims develop include, but are not limited to sleep disorders, anxiety/nervous disorders, grief, eating disorders, substance abuse, divorce, chronic relationship problems, self punishment, child abuse, and suicide. Just looking through that list of psychological trauma, you should ask yourself, “Do I really want to be supporting such a cause?”
Another thing that abortion centers keep from their patients is that there is a long list of physical health problems caused by and related to abortion. There are over one hundred illnesses/defects that abortion causes. You know that Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure charity that claims to fight breast cancer? They give the money they raise to Planned Parenthood – who is supposed to use that money for breast cancer research and screenings – who in turn dumps that money into the general fund, allowing that money to be used for abortions. What is so bad about that is that breast cancer is caused by abortion! The very thing that they claim to be fighting, they are actually spreading! Granted, not every case of breast cancer is caused by abortion, but abortion is a major cause of it. Other health risks include, but are not limited to, cervical caner, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, uterine perforations, cervical lacerations, endometriosis, infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, toxic shock, fever, chronic abdominal pains, second degree burns, Rh sensitization, vomiting, and gastro-intestinal disturbances.
What about when a woman wants to have children after she’s had an abortion? There are problems with this as well. Abortion causes infertility in women. If a woman who has had an abortion does get pregnant, she is even more likely to have such complications as miscarriages, ectopic/tubal pregnancies, placenta previa, and other major defects, than women who have not had an abortion. If the child is born, they are more likely to be born prematurely or still-born, or to end up with major health complications and handicaps. This is due to the cervical and uterine damage that abortion causes.
There are more reasons, other than health risks, to be against abortion. Most abortions are forced. Yes, you read that right. Most women that walk into an abortion clinic do not want an abortion. They are forced to be there by peer pressure, spousal pressure, and/or family pressure. Their families will kick them out. Their partners do not want the child. Their friends disapproved. Their families disapproved. Teachers disapproved. Counselors disapproved. They had no support system. No one told them that there was another choice. The clinic staff convinced them to do so when just going in there for a check up. Their bosses would have fired them. Their spouse/boyfriend beat them into it. Their mother held a gun to their head. The shelter would not let them in until they had an abortion. These are not things that people in a free society should be dealing with. No one should be forced into making a choice such as abortion if they do not want to. No child should be so unwanted by the people around them. No one should be told they have “the choice” to make such a decision in order to escape such treatment. That is not much of a choice at all. It is blatant coercion. And it happens every day in this country under the banner of “choice”.
Another thing that many people do not tell you, which also falls under the category “anti-choice”, is that many abortions are done on minors. Many of those minors are brought in by their rapists to have the crime covered up. Recently, a reporter named Lila Rose went into a branch of Planned Parenthood and told the staff there that she was fourteen, while her boyfriend was 20, and she was looking to get an abortion. They told her that she needed say that she was sixteen, or else they would have to report her. These were licensed doctors and nurses telling her this. Imagine if you had a fourteen year-old daughter who was having sex with a 20 year-old man without you knowing, and she got pregnant and went to have an abortion, also without you knowing. That would mean that pedophile stole your daughter’s innocence, and covered up the crime, all with the help of licensed physicians. It happens often in abortion clinics, and no one is willing to admit it. Pro-life advocates have been working to get these facts out in the open, but again, under the banner of “choice”, these facts have been covered up.
Planned Parenthood was a company started by Margaret Sanger, a white supremacist and eugenicist, to promote birth control. The only reason she advocated birth control, however, was the fact that she was a white supremacist. She started Planned Parenthood in order to do away with those she called “infidels”, “undesirables”, and “inferior”. Those she was referring to were namely the black population, but also included anyone who was any sort of minority, who was poor, and/or who was not a Protestant. She had the same ideas as Hitler, wanting to promote a “superior” race. Except she was a woman, and so her ideas that would implement her plan were so subtle that they’ve become part of the mainstream. She is famous for saying, "We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," and, "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Sanger tutored a man named Larry Lader in her ways and thoughts. He promoted the cause of abortion because he believed that there were too many people on this planet. When he began his course of trying to get feminists to accept the idea of abortion, he told the feminists that in order to live and be accepted in the world of men, they had to control their reproductive systems. He asked them how they could expect to be seen as equal and expect their bosses to let them off for checkups, child birth, maternity leave, ill children, et cetera. Betty Friedan and her group of feminists did not buy it. So, he came up with the lie that 10,000 women were dying every year from childbirth. That got them mad enough to make a movement out of it. Soon, the court case of Roe v. Wade was underway, and in it were women who said that abortion was a fundamental right of women, and how could they be expected to finish school or have a job if they got pregnant.
However, pregnancy has nothing to do with this! You can still go to school if you are pregnant. You can still have a job. If you are not given a job or you are fired just because you are pregnant, you are entitled to sue for discrimination. It does not infringe upon your rights. It does not mean you are not allowed to vote. It does not mean that anyone is allowed to take your freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to property, or any other freedom or right. So the entire argument that abortion is a “fundamental right upon which all others are based” is just wrong.
The original feminists, including Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul, and Mary Wollstonecraft, were the ones that wrote the original legislature banning abortion. They all saw abortion as murder, and an unforgivable sin. They believed that the fact that they could have children was what made them superior to men. They flaunted their reproduction. All it took was one lie, told by a man no less, to undo everything they had worked for. Those laws were put there to protect the nation’s women and children. However, because the laws have been repealed, we’re in a world of hurt.
We should be proud of that one thing that separates the women from the men. After all, our reproduction system is how we know that we are not inferior! We can carry children, and men cannot. Men cannot carry on the human race without us. They do not have a woman's intuition or empathy, simply because they are not made to carry a human life within them. Women are the stronger sex.
Abortion is anti-choice. It is anti-feminist. It is anti-freedom. It is anti-health. Anyone who is pro-“choice” is anti-women’s rights. They are anti-feminist. They are anti-health. And they are in support of the same policies that white supremacists drew up long ago.
Is that really a choice that you want to make?
-The Christian View of Abortion
-Life Education And Resource Network: Black Genocide
-Klan Parenthood
-Coerced or forced abortions in America
-Abortion is the Unchoice
-Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
-Medical Testimony: A new human being comes into existence during the process of fertilization
-Abortion: A Choice Against Women
-Abortion and Health Risks for Women
-Abortion Linked to Mental Health Problems: New Research Links Abortion With Depression, Other Mental Health Problems
-Physical and Psychological Complications of Abortion: Part 4: Procedural Risks & Complications
-Research on Post-Abortion Issues
-Articles and Analysis on Post-Abortion Issues
-Women Are Three Times More Likely To Die After An Abortion, New Study: CDC Admits Its Abortion and Childbirth Mortality Statistics Are Not Comparable
-The Aftereffects of Abortion
-Busted! Planned Parenthood & National Abortion Federation Caught in Pedophile Protection Scandal
-Child Predators: Exposing the Partnership Between Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation and Men Who Sexually Abuse Underage Girls
-History of Abortion Statistics
-ABC - Abortion/Breast Cancer Link
-Common Misconceptions Made by the Pro-Choice Movement
-Abortions In America
-Life Begins At Conception! <--Warning: GRAPHIC! -Long Term Physiological and Psychological Effects of Abortion on Women: An Original Research Paper on Post Abortion Syndrome Disorder
-Post-Abortion Counselor Confirms Abortions Cause Women Mental Health Issues
-Planned Parenthood 'runs on fear,' former clinic director charges
-Abortionist Hodari Puts Third Abortion Facility Up for Sale, Files for Divorce
-Roe Ruling: More Than Its Author Intended
-6 out of 10 of Americans Oppose Public Funding of Abortion: 51% said that they would even oppose allowing private insurance to pay for abortions
-Illegal Back-Alley Abortionist Opens Risky Late-term Abortion Mill - ADMITS TO KILLING!!!
-Pregnant Pro-Lifer Attacked By Abortion Worker Outside KC Abortion Clinic
-Abortion Promoters Whine Over Cape Cod Being Abortion Free - Even when the reasoning is that no one wants to practice there
-After Abortion: Testimonies
-Published Research Documents Abortion's Injustice and Harm to Women
-Dictionary Slam-Dunks Roe Vs Wade, Frank Joseph, MD
-Aborton doctor: 'Am I killing? Yes, I am'
-Photos of Abortion <--warning: graphic A video with a song about abortion, performed by my friends The Thirsting, with photos on the truth of this situation: -Lord Have Mercy
Feminist sites and articles:
-Feminists for Life Homepage
-When Pro-Choice is Not Pro-Woman
-Real Stories - from the people themselves
-Former Abortionists
-Abortion Related Quotes
-Feminist History: Voices of our Feminist Foremothers
-Feminist History: Herstory Worth Repeating
-Women Deserve Better Than Abortion by Serrin M. Foster
Atheist/Humanist websites and articles:
-Godless Pro-Lifers
-Pro-life and Anti-abortion Connections
-A reality check on abortion By Jim Trageser
-Feminist, Prolife and Atheist by Kathryn Reed
-Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic: Susan B. Anthony opposed abortion