A video released today by Live Action Films continues their Rosa Acuna Project in that project's second video. The Rosa Acuna Project is exposing the lies that Planned Parenthood purpetrates through it's counselers. The advice and information given is medically and scientifically inaccurate and completely misleading. Exposing these lies is something Live Action Films works to get into the public eye to stop this monstrosity of a company which has taken over our world. They give these lies to everyone at the clinics, at PP events, at public events, and in schools - grammar schools, high schools, colleges, and universities.
On September 9, 2009, Live Action Films went undercover into a Milwaukee, WI Planned Parenthood clinic, hoping to catch the liars in the act. Guess what? They did. Getting a pregnancy test, the undercover girls posing as a pregnant woman named Sara and her friend went for a "counseling" session for information on abortion.
After getting the positive results to the test, Sara asked, "So what comes out?" The counseler answered, "Well, you'd miscarry at home, so the entire - whatever fetal matter is there."
First lie exposed: "Fetal matter."
Before 9 weeks gestation, the child is an embryo, not a fetus. Therefore, the term "fetal matter" is incorrect.
Then Sara asked, "So you see the baby?" The counselor answered, "There's not a baby at this point. You wouldn't be able to identify any of the parts of the fetus whatsoever."
Second lie exposed: "There's not a baby at this point."
A zygote, embryo, and fetus are all classified under the term "baby". A little semantics and science lesson for you all:
Baby means "young child".
Child means "any person or thing regarded as the product or result of particular agencies, influences, etc.," as well as, "a human fetus," and, "an unborn or recently born person."
A zygote, which becomes an embryo, which later becomes a fetus, is the product of sexual intercourse.
A person is a human being.
Louis Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis says that a species can only procreate after it's own kind.
In other words, a zygote, embryo, or fetus of humans is also human.
Therefore, a zygote, embryo, and fetus can all be categorized as, "An unborn or recently born person," which defines them as a child. Since they are at a young stage of childhood, they can be categorized as a baby.
Sara asked, "What's a fetus?" The counseler answered, "The fetus is the developing embryo inside of you. But at this point, there's nothing developed at all. There's no legs, no arms, no head, no brain, no heart. At this point it's just the embryo inside of you."
Third lie exposed: "There's no legs, no arms, no head, no brain, no heart."
The video shows the image of a seven week old embryo, which has legs, arms, and a head, and any medical text book can tell you that there is a brain and a heart.
Then the video shows a quote from Abby Johnson, a former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. She said, "They are really trying to increase their abortion numbers, because that is the most lucrative part of their business." Earlier in the video, they reported that the Wisconsin state government provides $5 million to Planned Parenthood every year.
The counseler then explained that, "You know, there's midnight feedings, diapers, money. I mean, the state can help you with insurance, but after that babies do cost a lot and right now the economy's pretty bad, so -" Sara's friend said, "It's expensive to have a baby?" The counseler answered, "Mmhm." Sara said, "Yeah, I don't have a job or anything," to which the counselor answered, "Yeah, if you don't feel financially stable or you don't feel emotionally ready to have a baby, then I would go with abortion. But if you feel you can wing it, and do it, and you want to continue with the pregnancy, that's something you'd really have to think about, you know. And as soon as you have your decision, that's when you call the clinic and let them know."
Fourth lie exposed: "The state can help you with insurance, but after that babies do cost a lot."
Telling women this is a scare tactic. There are crisis pregnancy centers that help women with the financial burden of having children. They provide them with food, shelter, clothing, baby items, education, job training, medical, etc. Not referring to these services for these sort of things is wrong for PP to do.
Fifth lie exposed: "That's when you call the clinic and let them know."
This is hinting that the girl should have an abortion. You don't call the clinic to tell them you're going to have the child. Calling the clinic means setting up an appointment to get an abortion.
The counseler continued, "There's adoption available, there's abortion, or continuing the pregnancy - continuing the responsibility. And what I say to people that are against abortion I say you know, are you willing to take in all these aborted children and raise them yourself? You know, that's a burden that somebody's financially responsible for and you're raising another person for 18 years."
Sixth lie exposed: There are more couples looking to adopt babies than are available for adoption each year. Live Action Films points out that the Center for Disease Control states that about 555,000 couples try to adopt each year, and the National Council for Adoption states that only about 22,000 babies are adopted.
The counseler continued, "The earlier you make the decision, the better, you know. It won't stress you out as much, and it won't cause any, you know - and it actually does affect the price of the procedure, too. It's cheaper the earlier along you are. But I mean, the matter - I know that the commercials, and the pictures, and everything that are out there are just, like, horrible, and they make it out to be this terrible thing, like we're throwing babies out the back door into the dumpster. It's nothing like that."
Live Action Films then placed on the screen, "Instead, the bloody parts are dumped in a bin and trucked away." So that's lie number seven exposed.
The counseler continued, "It's uh - it's a real quick procedure and women are early enough along that there is no real - real, um - fetal matter. It's not like arms and legs and, you know - it's not. It's just embryos."
This is a repeat of lie number three.
So, seven lies, seven "you know"s (she really needs to take a speech class), and a LOT of misinformation, given out to millions of people. This is an international organization which has infiltrated governments, churches, hospitals, the media, and schools. It's time we put a stop to them. I'm glad Live Action Films is around to expose the lies.
March 9, 1914: A Doctor's Fatal Work in Chicago
9 hours ago
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